The Brain on Fire

The Brain on Fire – The Role of the damaged Blood Brain Barrier and Neuro-inflammation in Neurological Disorders and Chronic illness

Before discussing the mechanics and relativity of this data to neurological symptoms I would like to describe the process I will use in this review:  What is it?  How does it work and cause disease?  What else do we know about this?  And most importantly: What can we do about it?  I say this as the topic sounds so microscopic and arcane in nature, but as always what we will see is that natural medicine can profoundly impact this emerging cause of human pathology and suffering.

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Brain inflammation chronic illness blood brain barrier MicroRNA Lopez-Ramirez, M. A., Wu, D., Pryce, G., Simpson, J. E., MicroRNA-155 negatively affects blood– brain barrier function during neuroinflammation. FASEB J. 28, 2551–2565 (2014).

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