
Vitamin C Webinar Bundle (#73 and #74)

Original price was: $118.00.Current price is: $69.00.

Get two webinars at the sale price of $ 69.00 ($118 normal price).



#73 Vitamin C Use: Pharmacology, Safety and Clinical Tips Q&A Part-1

CE 2.0 Total | 2.0 of which are Pharm

The use of Vitamin C in integrative and Naturopathic medicine has a long history. The increase in use of newer forms such as liposomal oral products and wider use of IV Vitamin C has sparked a new group of clinical questions, safety and administration guidelines and general mechanism conundrums. This CE is a merger of Dr. Anderson’s long use of and research into Vitamin C with the many (many) physician questions he has received about it.

CME Outline:

I.     Oral use and pharmacology

II.    Sources

III.   Lab Testing & Safety

IV.   IV Dosing: Low versus High Dose IV

V.    Cancer Quality of Life and IVC

VI.  Low Dose Formulas & Hydration

VII. High Dose Mechanism and Chemistry in Cancer

IIX. High Dose IVC versus H2O2

IX.  HDIVC and Other Nutrients

X.   HDIVC Formulas and Human Research

XI.  Other Factors: Buffering, Oxalosis, Neutropenia, Peripheral Access

XII. Research Based Protocol for HDIVC

XIII. Hydration and IVC

XIV. Pediatric Calculations

XV.  IM Vitamin C

XVI. Common Clinical Questions

#74 PharmPart-23 Vitamin C Use: Pharmacology, Safety, & Clinical Tips Q&A Part-2

CE 2.0 Total | 2.0 of which are Pharm

The use of Vitamin C in integrative and Naturopathic medicine has a long history. The increase in use of newer forms such as liposomal oral products and wider use of IV Vitamin C has sparked a new group of clinical questions, safety and administration guidelines and general mechanism conundrums. This second installment CE is a merger of Dr. Anderson’s long use of and research into Vitamin C with the many physician questions he has received about it.

Part-2 focuses on issues around insulin / blood sugar and ascorbate, infectious disease and sepsis, cancer therapies and central nervous system concerns.


I.      Clinical Questions: (Pregnancy and IVC, Rebound Scurvy, Ascorbate vs Sodium Ascorbate, Glutathione and IVC, Oral “bowel tolerance” use).

II.     Vitamin C and Uric Acid

III.    Chemotherapy and Vitamin C

IV.    Radiation, Gamma Knife, PET Scans and Vitamin C

V.     Vitamin C and:

i. Immunology / MCAS

ii. Encephalopathy

iii. Glucose – Blood Sugar – Insulin, Insulin Pumps, and Measuring

iv. Infectious Disease

VI.    IVC and other IV Rotations in Infections