In this special WebCall Dr. Anderson will review the latest science and clinical outcomes from years of clinical research in biofilm therapies. He will outline the difference between Phase-1 and Phase-2 biofilms, and how to assess and treat each part of that spectrum. Concepts & Therapies Overview
What are biofilms and how do they fit into my non-resolving infectious immune cases? Why don’t I see benefit from most biofilm therapies? What misconceptions do we all have about biofilms? What actual hard science leads to new innovations? What is the difference between Phase-1 and Phase-2 biofilms and how do we treat each? What therapies are available and which ones have I NOT heard of?
Biofilm summary: Topics Discussed
What is the difference in a Phase- 1 and Phase-2 biofilm? Can I treat them the same? Why don’t I see results with my biofilm therapies? How do they fit into SIBO, chronic infections and other issues? What are the best studied therapies for each phase? Is anything new?